New report: Recommendations to strengthen Nordic co-operation

In the report Nordic added value in inter-ministerial Nordic co-operation, funded through NordForsk by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the researchers present six recommendations to optimize the use of the concept of ‘Nordic added value’ across Nordic institutions.
The report also emphasizes the importance of valuing the long-term efforts needed to strengthen the Nordic identity and clarify the relationship between ‘Nordic added value’ and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Vision 2030. The recommendations focus on creating greater cohesion, promoting long-term value and strengthening Nordic identity, reports NordForsk.
“I consider this to be an important publication because creating Nordic added value is a core task and main goal of Nordic co-operation. I strongly encourage everyone involved in Nordic co-operation to read and discuss the report thoroughly,” says Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk.
The report is a qualitative study that unfolds aims to unpack the various dimensions that the concept has obtained or been accorded across the different sectors and institutions of inter-ministerial Nordic co-operation. The aim is to help clarify the different interpretations of the concept in an effort to guide the various sectors of Nordic co-operation, both today and tomorrow, towards common goals while recognising their different logics and contributions.
Updated: September 17, 2024, 01:38 pm
Published: September 14, 2024