Pila Pharma raises capital for international obesity study

The company has recently raised SEK 10 million in directed issue for a novel obesity-related study.
The aim is to study drug tolerance and the effects of the company’s molecule on obesity. The Phase-2a-study will be conducted over the next year and the capital raised will support the study with the objective to assess the molecule’s safety in increased dosages, as well as to expand on the number of study participants to determine, though empirical statistical calculations, whether the molecule has potential as part of a new tablet-based obesity treatment.
“Obesity research has been a long time underway, and we are only now seeing major capital investments, as the potential benefits are now clear for all to see. It’s a global tendency that is a result of a global problem, and of course we want to tap into that a with a different solution.”
“We’re still at an early stage when it comes to the concepts surrounding weight loss medication, but with demand being as huge as it is, there will be room for many types of products. With this new capital we aim to explore whether we can lower body weight and thereby play a role in the market and potentially position ourselves uniquely by being the only company working with this particular mechanism for the treatment of obesity and other metabolic diseases,” says Gustav H. Gram, CEO of Pila Pharma, referring to a potential partnership or acquisition.
“Obesity research has been a long time underway, and we are only now seeing major capital investments, as the potential benefits are now clear for all to see. It’s a global tendency that is a result of a global problem, and of course we want to tap into that a with a different solution,” he adds.
Hopes to see the results of the study in about a year from when the study commences
The company hopes to see the results of the study in about a year from when the study commences, and if successful, they will most likely look to continue with a larger phase 2b study.
In earlier studies, the company demonstrated good safety and signs of efficacy in regulating type-2 diabetes as well as a significant reduction in a biomarker that indicates risk of heart failure. The molecule is thus suggested to also have a strong cardiovascular profile in addition to the effects regarding blood sugar regulation and potentially weight reduction.
“If our study shows an effect on obesity, we will be the first and only company to have successfully used this type of molecule – a TRPV1-antagonist – for the treatment of metabolic diseases.”
“If our study shows an effect on obesity, we will be the first and only company to have successfully used this type of molecule – a TRPV1-antagonist – for the treatment of metabolic diseases. Until now, this drug class has mostly been recognized in association with pain management. If the results are positive, we will be in a unique position to develop what we in the industry call a “first-in-class”-product. Not only would this be a significant achievement in the medical history, it would also position us as one of the few global late-phase biotech companies that is listed, with potential to enter the vast market for obesity medication,” says Gustav H. Gram.
Photo of Gustav X. Gram: Pila Pharma
Updated: October 2, 2024, 02:50 pm
Published: September 6, 2024