How to successfully work from home

6 keys to successful work from home as the coronavirus spreads.
Many life science companies follow authorities’ recommendations and are sending employees home to work remotely in order to diminish the spread of the coronavirus. Therefore we have gathered some advice on how to successfully work from home.
01. Follow office hours
If you usually work 9 to 5, try to follow these hours. Start your day as usual and most important, stop working when you are supposed to. It is important to separate private time and working time. When you are finished for the day, put away your papers and shut down your computer. Also, just like at the office, take a lunch break and coffee breaks.
02. Find a working space
If possible, try to find a special place in your home where you work from. It should be ergonomic and free from distractions, so that you can work easily and focused. Try to keep it clean.
03. Fresh air
When you go to your office you probably get some time outside, even if its just through a walk to the subway. So try to take a break outside during the day. Just take a walk outside and fuel yourself with some Vitamin D, fresh air and new energy.
04. Social interactions
It might get lonely to sit home by yourself so try to interact with your colleagues over the phone, calling, texting, Skype etc.
05. Eat properly
Try to eat in the same way as you do at the office. Prepare lunch boxes if you eat that or buy home food that you may easily prepare during your lunch break.
06. Get off social media
If you do not have to in your work try to get off social media when you are working. You will become less stressed from all the corona updates and can instead focus on what you need to do. When you take a break you can look but try to separate social media from work.
Published: March 11, 2020