Hey there, Helena Strigård

You are arranging a Nordic tour, beginning at BIO-Europe in Stockholm on November 4-6, for different actors within life science manufacturing to showcase our region’s strengths within the field.
Describe the purpose and the goal of this tour.
“Major events such as BIO-Europe naturally spark a surge in companies turning to the Nordics for partnering, and this tour is pretty much meant to make the most out of this interest, to ensure that the exploration of what this region has to offer goes beyond the floor space of the partnering and exhibition. We want it to be valuable for companies looking to explore Nordic market access and those moving in the opposite direction; Nordic companies expanding to international markets.”
Who will be joining you?
“It’s a mix of large and small companies in biologics, manufacturing, consulting, etc. One example is Aurigene Pharmaceutical Services which has manufacturing capabilities in India, Europe, and North America, but we also have local companies such as Diamyd Medical.”
Where will the tour make a stop? Give a few examples?
“Let’s hope the trains run smoothly in November because we are going to zig-zag between Stockholm, Uppsala, Lund, and Copenhagen. We also had a pre-visit to Oslo last week.”
Describe the purpose of the tour’s side event “Manufacturing in the middle of know-where” and what will you showcase there?
“In this side event, two companies who in theory could be competitors in the space of CDMO team up to co-host an event highlighting their respective strengths. Which, as it turns out, is the same core element – know-how! This is the most crucial parameter for any company within biologics when looking for a CDMO partner.”
What would you say are the Nordic region’s greatest strengths within life science manufacturing?
“The somewhat provocative theme of the tour, “Manufacturing in the middle of know-where”, is misspelled for a reason, as it is meant to point to how companies located far away from Kendall Square in places such as Sweden could still ace it when given the opportunity, due to the outstanding skills and dedication of their employees. This is part of what lies behind the Nordic manufacturing upswing. Along with geo-political stability. AddVenture IR & Partnering is far from the only actor to pick up on the current manufacturing boom of our region. This year’s Annual Meeting of Medicon Valley Alliance is addressing it as well, putting their CDMOs centre staged. In fact, Medicon Valley has the highest number of CDMO facilities in Europe. Something is cooking, clearly.”
Updated: November 6, 2024, 11:32 am
Published: November 4, 2024