Positive reactions to the research & innovation bill

The Swedish government has presented the research and innovation bill, which sets out the direction of the government’s policy in the area for the next four years.
It is an important step to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness and position as a life science nation, and Lif views the government’s investments positively, it states.
It is particularly gratifying that life science is highlighted as one of Sweden’s most important base industries.
The government has previously announced a historically large investment in research and innovation, with a level increase of SEK 6.5 billion by 2028 with the aim of promoting excellent research, growth, and competitiveness. The investments clearly reflect the government’s ambitions and it is particularly gratifying that life science is highlighted as one of Sweden’s most important base industries.
“We welcome the government’s ambitions for Sweden as a leading research and innovation nation, with concrete investments in health and life science. It is an important signal that Sweden is serious about its quest to become a global leader in the field, and it is good that they so clearly address the connection between innovation and growth. The pharmaceutical industry is singled out as a vital base industry that must have good conditions from research to implementation and actual use,” says Sofia Wallström, CEO at Lif. “Business has an important role in translating research results into innovation. The government points out that the commercialization of medical advances must increase, as well as that the bridge between business and academia must be strengthened. A strategic program for advanced life science is something Lif has requested together with other actors in the sector and we are very happy that it is now becoming a reality. Public-private partnerships shorten the path from research to practical use.”
Important investments in life science
Lif has previously stressed that the research and innovation bill should contain substantial investments in research infrastructures that can support advanced medical research and innovation. That the development of national research infrastructures such as SciLifLab, which are important engines for the development of precision medicine, is rewarded as well as that the biobank infrastructure is strengthened is therefore welcome.
The need for excellent research environments that can attract the best competence and investments from global pharmaceutical companies is also something Lif has underlined and which the government is now meeting.
It is positive that the work with pioneering technologies, where biotechnology is one of the areas identified as strategically important for Sweden, is also taken forward. Biotechnology and above all medical technology is one of Sweden’s most important areas of strength. The Swedish life science industry is an important part in developing the field further and strengthening our international competitiveness in biotechnology.
“We want to emphasize the importance of the investments having an impact in the form of concrete measures and rapid implementation. Lif looks forward to continued dialogue with the government and other actors to ensure that Sweden makes the right choices and investments to strengthen research and innovation in life science,” says Sofia Wallström.
Source: Lif
Published: December 13, 2024