The world’s first professor of pharmacometrics receives award

The 2024 Uppsala University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize has been awarded to Mats Karlsson, Professor of Pharmacometrics and co-founder of Pharmatheus.
The citation for the prize, which will be presented in April, reads as follows: “Together with his research team, he has successfully transformed academic excellence from a world-class research environment into a prominent and viable consultancy firm.”
Pharmacometrics involves using mathematical models based on physiology and pharmacology to improve pharmaceutical therapy for patients. In 1994, Mats Karlsson began to build up a large research group in the then relatively new subject at Uppsala University, and in 2001, he was appointed the world’s first professor of the subject.
Uppsala University’s pharmacometrics research group is internationally renowned, and the group’s methodology development and software are used all over the world.”
Uppsala University’s pharmacometrics research group is internationally renowned, and the group’s methodology development and software are used all over the world, reports Uppsala University.
“Every year we hold a large summer school in Uppsala that attracts doctoral students from many different countries. We also award scholarships to some of the students,” explains Karlsson to Uppsala University.
Alongside his research, Mats Karlsson has spent the last ten years helping to set up the consultancy Pharmetheus, which now employs over 100 people.
Pharmetheus was founded by an entire team together with Mats Karlsson. All of them are currently active at the firm in different roles: Mats Karlsson, Lena Friberg, Ulrika Simonsson, Martin Bergstrand, Andy Hooker, Marie Sandström, Elodie Plan, Joakim Nyberg, Niclas Jonsson and Mats Magnusson.
“When I work at the company, it’s as a consultant, so it doesn’t take much time. I’m also on the board and was the chairperson for the first ten years, but stepped down last year. The company is getting so big now that it feels more secure to have a professional chair. But it has been great fun to learn how to run a business,” he says to Uppsala University.
A lot of work goes into preparing companies before an application for approval of their medicines. It’s a matter of how drugs should be dosed, but also about quantifying their effects and side effects.”
Half of all the consultants work at the Uppsala office, with the others scattered across ten offices globally. At Pharmetheus, staff mainly work as consultants to large pharmaceutical companies to help them design and analyze clinical trials.
“We help design studies, analyze and interpret studies, and inform decision-making. A lot of work goes into preparing companies before an application for approval of their medicines. It’s a matter of how drugs should be dosed, but also about quantifying their effects and side effects,” says Mats Karlsson to Uppsala University.
From the prize citation:
“The recipient of the 2024 Uppsala University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize has paved the way for a completely new field of research that creates great value for patients, the pharmaceutical industry and society. Together with his research team, he has successfully transformed academic excellence from a world-class research environment into a prominent and viable consultancy firm. Their collective commitment and expertise have created a strong link between academia and the pharmaceutical community, and has been instrumental in positioning the company as a key player in drug development worldwide.”
Featured photo of Mats Karlsson: Pharmetheus
Published: March 6, 2024