Nobel Prize Discoveries - April 3, 2017
Nobel Laureate Chemistry 2016: Jean-Pierre Sauvage
As a child, Jean-Pierre Sauvage, PhD, moved often, due to his father’s career in the French army. Postings included North Africa and the U.S. Midwest. But despite the disruptions to his personal relationships and schooling, his interests in mathematics and science remained constant. That interest in science narrowed to a fascination with chemistry, and culminated […]

Nobel Prize Discoveries - March 31, 2017
A new avenue for Huntington therapy
A neuroscientist reports on Huntington disease results and a Nobel Prize reaction. Neural transplants offer a new path to possible Huntington disease (HD) treatments. Experiments with an HD mouse model show that transplanting human neuronal cells delays HD symptoms and death in the mice. The results, published in Nature Communications, were from Steven A. Goldman’s […]

Nobel Prize Discoveries - March 28, 2017
Nobel Laureate Chemistry 2016: Bernard L. Feringa
Bernard L. Feringa is pioneer in the field of molecular engines and he strives to inspire his students, stimulate their creativity and help them appreciate the beauty of nature. When Nobel Laureate in chemistry Dr. Bernard L. (Ben) Feringa’s colleagues at the Netherlands’ University of Groningen heard the news of his award, they erupted in […]

Nobel Prize Discoveries - February 22, 2017
Nobel Laureate Medicine 2016: Yoshinori Ohsumi
The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine highlights a process that is integral to aging, cancer, and infectious disease, but has not been well known outside of cell biology. On 7 December 2016, Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi from the Tokyo Institute of Technology received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Ohsumi was honored for […]