Business - January 11, 2023
A district for solving future challenges
Norway’s first innovation district is taking shape in Oslo and when completed, the capital will also host the country’s largest life science building. Norway’s and especially Oslo’s life science sector is on the rise. Oslo is home to the largest hospital in the Nordic region, top international research groups in cancer and immunology and a […]

Business - December 20, 2022
Hagastaden – A vibrant science city
An old train station area just north of the Stockholm city center is being developed into a unique ecosystem for life science researchers and businesses. The new city neighborhood of Hagastaden, due to be finalized 2030, extends the inner city of Stockholm and integrates Stockholm with Solna. The 96 hectare-large area spans all the way […]

Business - December 14, 2022
A world-class health capital
The Health Capital Helsinki area offers a mixture of global healthcare corporations, an active startup community, and academic strengths. Health Capital Helsinki (HCH) was initiated in 2015 by the City of Helsinki and the University of Helsinki. The original idea was to ensure the success of startups originating from research innovations, describes Juha Paakkola, Director […]

Biotech Business - December 8, 2022
New company with the purpose to advance single-cell spatial proteomics
The launch of Pixelgen Technologies follows the close of an approximate 6 million USD seed round, led by Navigare Ventures. The founding will support the commercialization next year of the company’s Molecular Pixelation technology for spatial analyses of cell surface proteins in 3D. “We are pioneering a completely new approach to spatial proteomics with Molecular […]

Business - November 16, 2022
A platform for multiple success
Abera Bioscience has found the right recipe for giving its innovative and versatile vaccine platform the best possible conditions to succeed. Uppsala-based Abera Bioscience was founded ten years ago, as a spin-out from the biosimilars company Xbrane Bioscience. Maria Alriksson, CEO of Abera and former CEO of Xbrane, describes the process of separating the two […]

Business - October 26, 2022
Reinventing immunotherapy
Immunotherapy company Valo Therapeutics could play an important part in modern cancer care, using a highly adaptable platform effective for a wide range of cancers. Valo Therapeutics (ValoTx), founded in 2016, is a spin-out from Helsinki University and the research of Professor Vincenzo Cerullo. Professor Cerullo’s research group developed the unique technology platform, named PeptiCRAd […]