She is the new CEO of PharmaRelations

Åsa Uppströmer joins PharmaRelations from a position as branch manager for the Stockholm area in the large Frensch IT consulting group, Sogeti, part of the French listed giant Cap Gemini.
Sogeti has a turnover of 2 BSEK in Sweden, where Åsa´s responsibility has been 450 MSEK and some 200 consultants, with the additional PnL responsibility for 200 consultants in India. Åsa has been involved in various positions in several IT consulting companies during the past 12 years, first Finnish Mawell, later acquired by Swedish CAG and of late Sogeti for 7 years.
Åsa has a background as IT-Project Manager from the Karolinska Laboratory and started in the Clinical Genetics department of the Karolinska Hospital. By education Åsa is a Biomedical Scientist from Stockholm University.
“Åsa Uppströmer was selected as our new CEO very much from her long background from It based consultancy companies, her experience both from consulting, digital development and from international consulting coupled with a scientific Life Science training from Karolinska made her the right candidate for us and for our next phase of development. I look very much forward to work with Åsa and welcome her to a company eager to set out on a new growth journey, I take the opportunity also to thank Fredrik for his impressive work as CEO during the past 11 years,” says Lena Hofsberger, Chairman of PharmaRelations for more than 20 years.
“We have at the same timed formed a new Group Management team with Beatrice Öström and Helena Björkman as Executive Vice Presidents, Fredrik Anjou as Senior Vice President and our incoming CFO as members. Together with Åsa they will be a dynamic team that will lead our next growth journey,” continues Lena. “PharmaRelations was recently awarded its 8th Gazelle Award by Dagens Industri in Sweden, has been awarded the title “Master Gazelle” and has rank 4 regarding growth of all companies in Sweden over a 25-year period, has been awarded 3 Börsen Gazelles in Denmark. This impressive growth trajectory is based on focus on client needs, continuous adaptation to new demands and extension of service offer and focus on one industry, Life Science in the Nordics. With continuity and same focus on what is important for our clients, we will continue to grow in the future.”
Fredrik Anjou is Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer
Fredrik Anjou, CEO of PharmaRelations for the last 11 years, has decided to step down and take on the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer in the company to ensure continuity.
“I have been in the lead of a long growth journey in PharmaRelations, as the company is embarking on a new era of ambitious growth, it is the right time to change leadership. In my new role, I will focus on what I enjoy the most and have not had time to do that as much as I wanted. I look very much forward to work together with Åsa and welcome her to the company,” he says.
Published: November 4, 2024