Immunicum announces corporate rebranding and name change to Mendus AB.

The rebranding reflects an advancing pipeline in next generation cancer immunotherapies, upcoming manufacturing expansion, and long-term corporate aspirations, states the company.

“The name Mendus captures our continued commitment to develop therapies that delay or reduce cases of cancer recurrence, while preserving the quality of life of people living with cancer.“

“Today’s news marks an exciting step in a transformative period for the company. Initiated with the merger and integration of Immunicum and DCprime and accelerated by subsequent directional pipeline decisions and promising novel R&D initiatives, these developments have resulted in a multi-faceted and broader long-term vision for the Company. The name Mendus captures our continued commitment to develop therapies that delay or reduce cases of cancer recurrence, while preserving the quality of life of people living with cancer,“ says Erik Manting, Chief Executive Officer of Mendus. ”As we move forward in this new phase of important growth, we look forward to continuing our dedicated work in the development of safe and effective cell-based therapies that we believe can significantly decrease the chance of cancer relapse and improve overall survival.”


The name change is effective as of today and is approved by the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The rebranding to “Mendus” reflects the company’s maturing clinical pipeline and its broader positioning in cancer recurrence immunotherapy. In addition, this marks an important operational transition as the company continues to mature with a longer-term focus on a global reach. The company will continue trading under the ticker symbol “IMMU.ST”.

The company received approval from its shareholders for the name change at the Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2022 and has since implemented the required legal and organizational changes.

Mendus will continue to operate from its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, with an office in Gothenburg, Sweden and its main R&D center in Leiden, The Netherlands, which will be operating as a fully owned subsidiary Mendus BV.

Photo: iStock